Tuesday, October 24, 2006

OK, they're not made from angora - at all. This is one slipper of a pair that I knitted from roving. The pattern was for a clog, but I decided to enclose the heel too, and the result was this. Being made from roving, these are extra thick and warm and sturdy. They get felted in the washing machine after they are made, so you knit them large. I've been wearing a pair of these for 3-4 years. The original pattern I used was the clog one on this page: http://www.yurtboutique.com/fibermill/knitting.htm In order to enclose the heel, make everything exactly as called for until 4 rows before the top is done. At that point, on a knit row, continue on to the end of the side. When going back, continue to shape as before (k or p 2 together in pattern) at the previous point, and also decrease 2 on either side of the center 2 stitches (if you have a single center stithch use the one on the outer side. Then, k2 tog, then ssk2 tog for proper slant, continue on to side of heel. Continue for 3 more rows in this manner, working center decreases on K rows only. Save all stitches by running a length of yarn or string through them. Make outer sole exactly as called for, except at the end, do NOT bind off, but continue with 3 stitches (decrease if necessary for your size) up the back side, catching up the side stitches with each row. When it is equal to the sides, pick up saved stitches and knit 3 more rounds, decreasing at side points again, and 2 stitches in the back. Make cuff. You are done! Or you could be wise and make them exactly as Suzanne says to! I have discovered that if you don't put addtional decreases across the top when you start to knit all the way to the edge, the top will be too large. Also, you want the heel to cup in slightly to that it doesn't slide off every time you take a step, and that is the reason for the decreases in the back. The other ones can be omitted, but I think it makes the slipper fit more snugly and makes it warmer. JMHO. This pattern is great for using up roving that you bought but aren't especially fond of. You can make them all colors, or run 2 together, stretching the fibers out to approximate the same thickness as the McDermott roving. I actually ran some darker along with the gray on the inner sole. And did I mention they go F-A-S-T? This one was knitted in one evening. You use size 13, 15, or 17 needles!

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