Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I just HAVE to sing Betty Chu's praises. Her English are second to none. I just trimmed Chu's Honeysuckle, my doe from her, down yesterday and she gave me the astonishing wool shearing number of 9.3 ounches! That is just astonishing for a pure English angora rabbit. While my Germans have given me a pound or more on that interval (3 mo), Honeysuckle's pile of fiber is every bit as big. I am going to find the same sized sack of pure German and spin both of them to the same girth as nearly as I can. I'm betting the English goes just as far as German that might weigh much more than it. It is because each strand of German is heavy. So 2 identical volumes of fiber, Eng & Ger, the German will weigh more. But is it *really* any more fiber? I don't think so, and I'm going to attempt to offer some evidence of it. Even if it doesn't, there is just no comparison between the 2 fibers. The English is so much softer and luxurious! Who would want anything else? (And did I mention that she eats just half what Germans do?)
Edit: 4/10/09 I've decided the better (and more controlled way) to test English against German would be to take exactly 1 ounce of each and spin them as nearly identically as possible, and see if the english doesn't give you more length. Hard to judge volumes due to compacting fiber, etc.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just a quick note to let everyone know that my website is temporarily down. I have to reconfigure the whole network due to AT&T's crazy way of connecting you. It is a huge pain in the (you-know). Honeysuckle, my doe from Betty Chu will be bred this week, and babies will be due at the end of April (with luck!). The sire is Chu's Clover, whose littermates went BIS and BOS in California recently!!! The litter is already spoken for, I have a waiting list. But if you are insterested, you could email me at bunnies4wool@yahoo.com, to see if any might become available. Honeysuckle is fawn and Clover is tort, so we'll have all tort and fawn in this litter. I was completely done with Germans, but I've had so many requests - mostly from former purchasers, that I will be breeding a litter of 84% German babies. Both individuals have softer coat than what the German club and ARBA require (of Giants, ARBA doesn't recognize Germans). So if you want to show, or register your rabbit, you probably will lose points on texture. BUT, if you like softness, an easy keeper, and very little guard hair to deal with, you might contact me for one of these babies. I'm selling them as woolers, so they won't be as expensive as pure Germans. BUT, the English litter is at Grand Champion level and they will be full price. As I say, email me for details, on either litter. bunnies4wool@yahoo.com